Hosted by ArapaHOPE Community Team

When: Saturday, September 26, 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Where: South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce, 6840 S University Blvd, Centennial, Map

Most energy experts agree that the availability of economically recoverable fossil fuels is diminishing at an increasing rate.  For that reason, developing a strategy to transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is crucial and requires involvement from all the stakeholders…Government, Business, and the Community.  By getting ahead of this issue, Colorado stands to gain hundreds of thousands of jobs in the renewable energy sector.  The purpose of this forum is to discuss practical solutions Coloradans can implement to meet these challenges and opportunities.

You are invited to join us to learn what needs to be done – as well as what you can do as citizens to promote renewable energy in your community.  Please note that space is limited and your RSVP is required to attend. You may RSVP here.  Cosponsored by the South Metro Denver Chamber of Commerce, Arapahoe Community College and the City of Centennial.

  • Steve Andrews, Association for the Study of Peak Oil (ASPO) Co-founder and Senior Analyst, Peak Oil 101: A Discussion of the Limitations on Fossil Fuels as a Result of Economic Feasibility and Geological Constraints
  • Carol Tombari, National Renewable Energy Laboratory,,  author Power of the People: America’s New Electricity Choices, Director Texas Energy Office,  Colorado Power of Choice: Long-Term State Planning with Wind & Solar Energy
  • Karen Hancock, Environmental Program Supervisor, City of Aurora, Government’s Role in Supporting Investment in Conservation and Renewable Energy
  • Eriks Brolis, from Namaste Solar, and Gary Held, from Vestas Wind Systems Colorado Businesses’ Role in Supporting Conservation and Investment in Renewable Energy
  • Rebecca McClellan, Patrick Anderson, Larry Beer, Councilpersons for Centennial and Aurora Incorporating Future Energy Costs into Community Infrastructure Planning
  • Ken Beitel, Renewable Energy Taskforce of the South Denver Metro Chamber of Commerce, Vicki Befort, Arapahoe Community College Renewable Energy Technology Program Coordinator  Individuals' Role in Renewable Energy Investment: Financing the Clean Energy Revolution
  • Barbara Farhar, Ph.D., adjunct faculty and research fellow, Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado, and senior policy analyst, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (Ret. 2006), 2008 Winner of Apex Award for Publication Excellence, Individuals' Role in Conservation and Renewable Energy