Easy WordPress install on Google Compute Engine

Easy WordPress install on Google Compute Engine

This is a tutorial on installing WordPress from scratch on a Google Compute Engine Instance. I chose to use WordOps to install and configure my LEMP stack for simplicity. WordOps is based on EasyEngine and makes the installation of all of the required components...
10 Ways to Modify for Murph Challenge

10 Ways to Modify for Murph Challenge

Murph is coming up again on Memorial Day. I’ve been training to get ready and have encouraged some friends to join me. But for many people, doing the workout as prescribed is out of the question. In fact, I’ve only done it once exactly as it is written.  Just...
Tech Tutorial Videos

Tech Tutorial Videos

For awhile, I’ve wanted to create some tech video tutorials. Being in IT, I get a lot of questions and hear people complain a lot about tech problems they have. Many times, there are some simple solutions. I finally had some time, so I started to make some of...
Ride Better by Lifting Weights?

Ride Better by Lifting Weights?

A lot of people tackle training prep for a century ride with lots of riding and that’s it. They will do multiple short rides during the week, a long ride on Saturday, and a recovery ride on Sunday. For my first century ride, that is pretty much the approach I took. It...