
Murph 2020 – Home Edition

Every year, our gym usually hosts the annual Murph on Memorial Day. They are currently closed for in person training due to statewide COVID-19 restrictions. But they were still able to host a Zoom version of Murph. Several of us joined from home and a few joined from...

10 Ways to Modify for Murph Challenge

Murph is coming up again on Memorial Day. I’ve been training to get ready and have encouraged some friends to join me. But for many people, doing the workout as prescribed is out of the question. In fact, I’ve only done it once exactly as it is written.  Just...

Eating Right to Fuel Your Rides

For years, the mantra of many cyclist was about carbo loading, high carb meals, and carbs fuel your ride. But recently, with the popularity of low carb diets, some cyclists have begun to doubt the mindset that a high carb diet is the solution for them. Instead, they...

So you want to do a Century Ride?

Riding 100 miles in a day can seem like a daunting task, but for many, this is a great test of their cycling training and endurance. There are many century ride events throughout the US and most also benefit a charity...