Murph is coming up again on Memorial Day. I’ve been training to get ready and have encouraged some friends to join me....
Eating Right to Fuel Your Rides
For years, the mantra of many cyclist was about carbo loading, high carb meals, and carbs fuel your ride. But...
So you want to do a Century Ride?
Riding 100 miles in a day can seem like a daunting task, but for many, this is...
CrossFit Open season again
Once again, it is time for the CrossFit Open season. It's the annual 5 week competition around the world held at every...
My top ten HAPPY songs
At a class hosted by Axistence Athletics, we learned about the effects of cortisol (aka the stress hormone). As...
Challenges met — sorta
Well, I did it! In June, I did the Spartan Beast AND, a week later, the Denver Century Ride. Both were challenging and...
Spartan Race – Breckenridge Beast
On Saturday, June 13th, 2015, I ran my first Spartan Race, the Breckenridge Beast. I had a lot of fun, learned a lot...
Cutting out sugar and junk carbs
Last fall, I decided to reduce my intake of sugars and "junk carbs." It has been about 8 months since I started and I...
Is CrossFit bad for you?
It happens all the time. I mention that I do CrossFit or that I go to a CrossFit gym and many times the response is...
Axistence Athletics
[metaslider id=1303] Let me tell you a little bit about one of the gyms I go to -- Axistence Athletics...
Colorado Krav Maga
Over this past summer, my son took an interest to learning martial arts while visiting his grandmother. Upon his...