
Google Pixel Buds 2 – Unboxing, Setup, and First Impressions

The second generation Pixel Buds I ordered just arrived from Google on Saturday. I unboxed, setup, and gave my first impressions of the new 2020 version of the Pixel Buds in this video I made for YouTube. I am not an audiophile and I have never spent more than $80 on...

Why Chromebook?

I've been a laptop user for years. Most of the laptops I have used were given to me by my employer. One of the first laptops weighed nearly 10 pounds. Since that time, laptops have gotten faster and a lot lighter. But how I use a laptop has also changed dramatically....

Webserver backup guide

My webhosting is on a virtual machine that is hosted by Linode. Although they have great uptime and a good backup system, I also do my own backups to a local Linux server. It isn’t that hard to setup, uses only free scripts, and is completely automated now. Why? Why...

Fire TV Stick vs. Chromecast

Last week, I received my [easyazon_link identifier="B00GDQ0RMG" locale="US" tag="pgandersoncom-20"]Fire TV Stick[/easyazon_link] that I bought from Amazon the day it came out. I already use a Chromecast, XBox 360, and PlayStation 3 for streaming to my various TVs. I...
Why Chromebook?

Why Chromebook?

I've been a laptop user for years. Most of the laptops I have used were given to me by my employer. One of the first...

Webserver backup guide

Webserver backup guide

My webhosting is on a virtual machine that is hosted by Linode. Although they have great uptime and a good backup...