
Why Chromebook?

I've been a laptop user for years. Most of the laptops I have used were given to me by my employer. One of the first laptops weighed nearly 10 pounds. Since that time, laptops have gotten faster and a lot lighter. But how I use a laptop has also changed dramatically....

Onizuka AFB

From 1991 to 1996, I was stationed at Onizuka AFB or the Blue Cube as we called. It was a tiny base with a really big role in the US space program. My job at the Blue Cube was as Satellite Systems Operator. Although my unit changed names and commands over the years, I...

Webserver backup guide

My webhosting is on a virtual machine that is hosted by Linode. Although they have great uptime and a good backup system, I also do my own backups to a local Linux server. It isn’t that hard to setup, uses only free scripts, and is completely automated now. Why? Why...

Fire TV Stick vs. Chromecast

Last week, I received my [easyazon_link identifier="B00GDQ0RMG" locale="US" tag="pgandersoncom-20"]Fire TV Stick[/easyazon_link] that I bought from Amazon the day it came out. I already use a Chromecast, XBox 360, and PlayStation 3 for streaming to my various TVs. I...
Why Chromebook?

Why Chromebook?

I've been a laptop user for years. Most of the laptops I have used were given to me by my employer. One of the first...

Onizuka AFB

Onizuka AFB

From 1991 to 1996, I was stationed at Onizuka AFB or the Blue Cube as we called. It was a tiny base with a really big...

Webserver backup guide

Webserver backup guide

My webhosting is on a virtual machine that is hosted by Linode. Although they have great uptime and a good backup...

Tech Welcome

Tech Welcome

I have been in IT for 20+ years. The first computer I ever used was a TRS-80 Model I back in the '70s. One of my...

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